

We must do more with less. See how we will reduce, reuse and recycle - and help our customers to do the same.

We will find ways to use resources that have minimal environmental impact.

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We will send zero waste to landfill.                           

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We will reduce the environmental impact of our packaging.

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Alongside long-term goal and commitments we have created 2025 targets that everyone can start achieving now.

We firmly believe that our current leadership should be held accountable for making progress against each goal. We must not leave the problem for the next generation to deal with.


Targets for 2025

We will find ways to use resources that have minimal environmental impact.

  • We are committed to use external recycled material in our batch (indicative targets for Rock Mineral Wool: >25%, and Glass Mineral Wool: >65%). We will continue to monitor improvements through LCA results.
  • We will have reduced SOx emissions from our plants by 50% compared to 2019 levels and we will have made significant reductions in relation to cutting NOx emissions.
  • We will have implemented a range of new projects to reduce the amount of fresh water we use in five plants.

We will send zero waste to landfill.

  • We will be sending zero production waste to landfill from our Rock, Glass and Wood Wool plants by 2025.
  • We will take back 25% of the waste generated by our customers on job sites wherever possible. This waste will be either fed back into our processes — through briquetting — or transformed into new products by other companies.
  • We will have programs in place (at least) in five countries to recycle insulation from demolition sites.

We will reduce the environmental impact of our packaging.

  • We will reduce our virgin plastic film packaging by more than 25%.
  • Where possible, between 25 and 50% of our plastic film will be recycled and 35% of our wooden delivery pallets will be collected, sorted, repaired and reused or recycled.


* Picture in the header: Future in our hands: recycled glass cullet used to manufacture our Glass Mineral Wool


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Discover how we will achieve zero carbon

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